Dynamons Wikia

Draxygus is a Fire - type Legendary Dynamon .

He first appears in Dynamons World .

In-Game Description[]

"He is summomed during the dragon ceremory"

Physiognomy and origins[]

Draxygus is inspired by the Chinese dragon. It has red sides with diamond-shaped golden scales, while its torso is cream. It has an orange mane along its back and has two large whiskers that fade from red to orange to light yellow. Draxygus's notable peculiarity is that it is half-covered by a cream-colored cloud.


Dynamons World[]

In Dynamons World Draxygus is used in battle by Klaude (before players gain ownership at the end of the battle).

Game data[]

Resistances and vulnerabilities[]

Strong against:

Normal damage

Weak against:

Move list[]

Icon Attack Name Level Type Attack type Shift Usable in: Additional effects
Fire spin
Flame Swirl 1 Symbol fire Fire From a distance 2 Dynamons World Hypno
Magma Rocks 20 Symbol fire Fire From a distance 3 Dynamons World Lowering opponent's defend
Fire Storm 30 Symbol fire Fire From a distance 1 Dynamons World Nothing
Smoke Screen 40 Symbol fire Fire Around 1 Dynamons World Sick
Volcano 51 Symbol fire Fire From a distance 1 Dynamons World Nothing
Rage fire ring
Rage Fire Ring 52 Symbol fire Fire Status/Support 2 Dynamons World Defense and Rage increase
Hellfire 53 Symbol fire Fire From a distance 2 Dynamons World Increased damage if Dynamon's health is low
Enflame 54 Symbol fire Fire Support 2 Dynamons World Increases attack and healing
Inferno 55 Symbol fire Fire From a distance 1 Dynamons World Lowering opponent's attack and defense